League of Humane Voters of New Jersey Election Info and Endorsements

2014 Important Dates & Deadlines:

  • November 4, 2014 - General Election Day

Politicians take issues seriously when voters do. YOUR VOTE MATTERS!

Each LOHV-NJ endorsed candidate was graded according to his or her voting record or recent political assurances. Generally, we do not endorse candidates unless they have GOOD, GREAT, or EXCELLENT voting records. 

During this midterm election year, all 12 New Jersey seats in the United States House of Representatives and 1 New Jersey United States Senate seat will be contested.

LOHV-NJ does not make congressional endorsements; our focus is on the State Assembly, Senate, and local races (when appropriate). That said, we can provide a national scorecard to help you make an informed choice in this election.

The Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF) publishes an annual Humane Scorecard of Congress to give you a snapshot of every federal legislator's record on animal protection issues. See the scorecard here. Many thanks to the HSLF for publishing this important and informative document. 



Federal Senator Cory Booker (D) scored 100% on pro-animal initiatives. - WINNER

The following congressional representatives scored 75% and over.

LoBiondo, Frank (R-2nd) 83% - WINNER
Pallone, Frank (D-6th) 75% - WINNER
Pascrell, Bill (D-9th) 91% - WINNER
Payne, Donald (D-10th) 91% - WINNER
Sires, Albio (D-8th) 100% - WINNER
Smith, Chris (R-4th) 91% - WINNER

Roy Cho (D) does not have a congressional record, but he is running against Congressman Scott Garrett in the 5th Congressional District and has vowed to be animal friendly. Scott Garrett's voting record is a dismal 8%. The Star Ledger and The Bergen Record has endorsed Roy Cho. - DEFEATED

Public Question #2 - PASSED

Clearly, the League of Humane Voters of New Jersey strongly supports the preservation of wild lands. Unfortunately, hunting interests have co-opted public funding mechanisms to the extent that over one half of public shooting grounds (Wildlife Management Areas) are purchased by Green Acres public funds.

Furthermore, under the rubric of stewardship, the state hunting agency and cooperating conservation groups make hunting mandatory ("stewardship plans" ) on lands purchased by public funds. New Jersey has one of the highest hunting rates on our public lands.

The League supports preserving land, wherever we can. We do not support the gun lobby's expropriation of taxpayer moneys for shooting casinos and required "access" for hunting and trapping. As a matter of principle, vote "No."




ENDORSEMENT: Bergen County Freeholder:
Joan M. Voss (D) for Re-Election -

Joan has earned a 100% pro-animal rating as an incumbent Assemblywoman. During her 4-term tenure in the Assembly, she voted againt the Perimeter bill, which reduced the safety buffer around homes from 450 feet to a mere 150 feet for bow hunters.

Freeholder Voss voted against Sunday hunting, supported the fur labeling law, and voted yes on securing continuing education credits for veterinarians who spayed and neutered animals for free. She is a great asset as Bergen County Freeholder.
ENDORSEMENT: Bergen County Freeholder:
David L. Ganz (D) for Re-Election -

David Ganz was instrumental in crafting the anti-goose gassing resolution, as well as the anti-bear hunt resolutions in 2010 in Bergen County, New Jersey.

As a Freeholder, David Ganz is a great asset to animals.


ENDORSEMENT: Mayor - Holmdel
Patrick Impreveduto (R)

"I truly believe wildlife populations provide social, economic, and aesthetic benefits for all residents of Holmdel."
- Pat Impreveduto

"While on the Holmdel Township Committee, Mayor Pat Impreveduto expressed his concern for the humane treatment of the deer population. He has demonstrated his willingness to explore new ideas in deer management in a safe and humane way."
- Laurie Perla, LOHV-NJ Regional District Director
ENDORSEMENT: West Milford Town Council
Melissa Brown Blaeuer (D)

Melissa got an impressive 1,409 votes. About 30% of registered voters turned out.

Melissa is a great environmental advocate and can be counted on to make the right decision without political interference. She is a staunch supporter of Bear Smart Community efforts.

On October 22, 2014, Melissa spoke out against the resolution that West Milford passed to expand the bear hunt. Melissa spoke eloqently about eco-tourism, bear education, and community responsibility.

League of Humane VotersŪ of New Jersey
Political Action for Animals
PO Box 17, Manalapan, NJ 07726
info@lohvnj.org  --  www.lohvnj.org

